County Clerk


Sarasota County Property Appraiser

Click on the link above to search our property records online. You can also search marriage records, marks and brands, foreclosures & commissioners court minutes.

Floyd County Indiana Clerk's Office

Click on the link above to search Probate Records and Court Records. 


Effective immediately! Anyone bringing in a document to be recorded will be required to show a current photo ID. No exceptions! 
The County Clerk's office cannot give legal advice.  If you need legal advice please speak with an attorney prior to visiting our office.  We do not provide legal forms and cannot give instructions on how to fill out legal documents as that would be giving legal advice. 
If you are needing to file a document in this office the document needs to be already prepared, signed and notarized when you get here.  We are not notaries. We will only accept original documents or certified copies of original documents.  We cannot accept photocopies.  You can also mail your original documents to us along with your check and a self addressed return envelope.  Your documents will be returned to you after they are recorded. Thank you!
If you are a title company, bank, mortgage company or an attorney you can save time and money by filing your documents electronically using one of our e-recording partners.  


If you are inquiring about a Divorce you will need to contact the District Clerk's office at 936-873-4433.